Lawyers in barcelona, igualada, piera

Legal experts in the business field at the service of your success.

At our law firm in Barcelona, Igualada and Piera, we offer you business legal advice and we are committed to the success of your business. Our distinguished team of lawyers, specialists in commercial law, is dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive range of legal services designed to meet your needs in a variety of practice areas.

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93 804 20 61

Mercantile Law

Mercantile contracting, company law and bankruptcy law The Company is, by tradition, mainly specialised in mercantile matters and our specialisation and experience mean that we can advise companies in all the areas and phases of their lives including company incorporation, changes in the companies’ bylaws and company restructuring. Our services also include the organization of internal legal relations between companies and their relationship with third parties (contracting, shareholder agreements, family protocol, etc).

Poch & Abogados Asociados, S.L.P. has become specialised over a number of years in Bankruptcy law through the preparation, representation and follow-up of bankruptcy procedures, basing our services on the assessment of companies in pre-bankruptcy, negotiations with creditors and suppliers and the preparation of the documentation necessary for legal bankruptcy proceedings.

Family Law

Serenity and objectivity are the key to resolving family law matters.

Normally family matters have a high emotional content and need the assessment of a professional who, in addition to legal knowledge, can apply a calm, objective approach to the client’s problem.

The high emotional content of these matters means that as we are traditionally a mercantile office, our clients have always confided their family matters in us, which gives us an insight into family law for matters such as contractual planning for future marriages, stable partners or unmarried partners, the arbitrary or judicial solution of family conflicts, succession planning in family companies, equity division for family members, matrimonial chapters and succession agreements.

With regards to family and succession rights, both from an objective point of view and a psychological point of view, specific training is needed as well as interdisciplinary knowledge. For this reason it has special treatment where our professionals collaborate closely to guarantee the best service for our clients.

Civil Law

Within the speciality of Civil law, Poch & Abogados Asociados, S.L.P. offers a service which is mainly concerned with property rights, real estate rights, contracts, intangible rights and family rights and successions.

The professional assessment we offer in all areas always passes a first stage of negotiation and the establishment of a transactional solution or the preparation of an ideal contract for each client. In the second phase it is sometimes inevitable that a litigious phase will take place which will involve our Procedural law specialists.

Procedural law

The firm has professionals who are experts in procedural practice in order to provide effective solutions in defence of the interests of companies and individuals before the different jurisdictions and courts.

The multidisciplinary team of Poch & Abogados Asociados, allows us to offer strategic planning in judicial and arbitration procedures and an optimal focus on each dispute our clients face.

Economic penal law

Committed to criminal law focused on the regulation and punishment of criminal conduct related to economic activity.

Society currently has a strong tendency to prosecute in tax matters, the way in which companies behave when they are not prospering, the self-employed business person who does not comply with all legal formalities, etc.

In this context our professionals work hard to ensure that the line between illicit administration and illicit penal matters is not passed, thus guaranteeing the company, top management and small business and professionals the necessary protection and preventive assessment to ensure that this line is never passed involuntarily or because someone tries to use it against them. Our Company also offers the possibility to clients to present themselves as individual claimants if they have been the victim of goods seizure, false mercantile documentation, company infringements, etc.

Labour law

We cover all aspects related to labour law that have an impact on the business environment and the day-to-day life of our clients.

We offer complete legal advice to companies on all matters related to Labour Law: labour relations; employment and senior management contracts; dismissals, sanctions, Employment Regulation files; defense before administrative bodies; defense before the bodies of the social Jurisdiction.

We also help and accompany companies in the elaboration of Equality Plans and we carry out Socio-labour Audits.

Fiscal and Tax Law

In this area Poch & Abogados Asociados offers comprehensive assessment which can be permanent or specific in company tax matters and that of its members, either resident or non-resident, and to individuals.

To provide adequate assessment to our clients with investments in other countries regarding tax matters, we have contacts with collaborators and local consultants with whom we co-ordinate our work or provide them with access to the most suitable international tax assessment.

The firm also offers permanent or specific advice on high-quality national accounting regulations in matters closely related to the Commercial Law department: accounting treatment of mergers, acquisitions and corporate reorganizations, groups of companies and tax consolidation.